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Litchfield South Association By-Laws

Writer's picture: LSA RegistrarLSA Registrar


of the Southern New England Conference of the United Church of Christ




The name of this organization shall be the Litchfield South Association of the Southern New England Conference of the United Church of Christ.



The purposes of this Association shall be:

1) To cultivate a true and active fellowship among its constituent churches, and in all its work to strive to advance the Christian religion, both in its personal and social aspects;

2) To promote an intelligent understanding of, and participation in, our Church’s Wider Mission;

3) To coordinate its own efforts in this direction of those of the Southern New England Conference of the United Church of Christ;

4) To work with prospective members in discernment for authorized (ordained, licensed and commissioned) ministry.

5) To ordain, license or commission persons for authorized ministry and to grant & maintain their standing as guided ordinarily by the most recent editions of the United Church of Christ Constitution, By-Laws and Manual on the Ministry in the United Church of Christ;

6) To continue the Congregational Way of Life as set by our forebears.


Standing in this Association shall be of two kinds:

1) Churches: Churches of the faith and order of the United Church of Christ or which desire to become recognized as such, after application made and received in writing, shall be granted standing in the Association upon receiving favorable vote of a majority of the voting members assembled at any regular meeting or at a meeting called especially for this purpose.

The Litchfield South Association acknowledges and recognizes the relationship between the Association and its churches as described in Article V- Local Churches of the 2018 version of the Constitution of the United Church of Christ; (included as an attachment to this document).

2) Ministers: Standing shall be granted to authorized ministers (Ordained Ministerial Standing or Lay Ministerial Standing) serving in ministries recognized by the Committee on Church and Ministries of the Association. Such standing is to be guided by the order and practice of the latest edition of the Manual on the Ministry in the United Church of Christ., and by any special rules of procedure adopted by the Association’s Committee on Church and Ministry (CCM).

All authorized ministers with standing in the Litchfield South Association shall maintain a responsible and accountable relationship with the Association. A responsible and accountable relationship shall include:

A. Membership in a church of the Association or if retired, in a church approved by the CCM.

B. Active participation in the life of the Association (retirees excluded) by

1. attending Association meetings or events at least once per year, or

2. providing a written report annually to the chair of the Committee on Church and Ministry.

C. An ability to express in theological terms to the Committee on Church and Ministry on how one’s work is a ministry worthy of standing within the Association (retirees excluded unless engaged in active ministry).

D. If any minister does not comply with these standards, it shall be the duty of the Committee on Church and Ministry to confer with such minister regarding a responsible relationship with the Association. If the conference with the minister fails to establish a responsible and accountable relationship, the Committee on Church and Ministry may recommend the termination of his or her ministerial standing.


SECTION 1: The officers of the Association, all of whom are to be elected at the Fall Meeting and shall serve two-year terms, shall assume office at the close of the same meeting, and shall serve until their successors are duly elected. The Nominating Committee will make every effort to reflect the diversity of the Association in filling leadership positions.

The officers shall include:

A. MODERATOR: which office shall be held alternatively by a lay person and a minister, who shall assume office at the close of the Annual Meeting at which he/she is elected. The Moderator shall call all meetings of the Executive Committee and shall preside at the same.

B. VICE MODERATOR: who shall fulfill the functions of the Moderator in the absence of the same, serve on the Executive Committee, and shall succeed to the office of the Moderator.

C. REGISTRAR/ASSISTANT TREASURER: who shall be responsible for keeping all records of the Association’s business. As Registrar, she/he shall issue all calls to the Association, be authorized to forward transfers of ministerial standing upon the written request of the minister involved and approved by the Committee on Church and Ministry; this action to be reported at the next meeting of the Association. The Registrar/Scribe shall be an ex-officio member of the Committee on Church and Ministry acting as the scribe for its regular meetings. The Registrar will also act as the Assistant Treasurer assisting the Treasurer in times when the Association Treasurer is unable to carry out their duties. They shall be a signer on all Association bank accounts

D. TREASURER: shall handle all moneys of the Association, be a signer on all Association bank accounts, keeping proper records of receipts and disbursements, and shall present the books annually for audit.

SECTION 2: The Committees of this Association shall be:

A. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the Moderator, Vice-Moderator, Registrar/Assistant Treasurer, Treasurer, Chairperson of the Committee on Church and Ministry and Nominating, Chairpersons of any special committees and two members-at-large (each elected for a three-year term with a limit of two consecutive terms). The Committee shall meet at least quarterly.

The Executive Committee shall annually establish and recommend at the Annual Meeting of the Association for acceptance by vote, the recommended contribution from the member churches on a per capita basis.

The Executive Committee shall plan and organize the program for Association meetings.

The Executive Committee shall be responsible for drafting guidelines for scholarship programs and continuing education programs of the Association. It shall receive requests for these programs and after suitable consideration, direct that disbursements be made where desirable.

When a representative of the Association sits on the Board of Directors of the UCC Southern New England Conference, the Executive Committee shall maintain a relationship with said representative, communicating items of mutual interest.

The Executive Committee shall conduct the business of the Association between Association meetings.

B. COMMITTEE ON CHURCH AND MINISTRY: The Committee shall consist of nine (9) members, at least three (3) lay members and at least five (5) authorized ministers with authorized standing in the Litchfield South Association. The Registrar/Scribe of the association shall be a member ex-officio. Three (3) members shall be elected annually to serve for a term of three years. No member may serve more than two consecutive terms. The Committee shall meet at the call of the Chairperson, Association Moderator, or Registrar/Scribe.

The Committee shall be charged with the responsibility for establishing and maintaining professional standards for the ministry, shall make decisions regarding ministerial standing, and shall establish and maintain standards regarding the covenantal life of churches and pastors. The Committee shall establish specific guidelines and requirements for evaluating Members in Discernment or those seeking standing in the Association.

The Committee shall be guided by the prescribed order contained in the current edition of the Manual on the Ministry in the United Church of Christ, and other guidelines in accordance with Article III, Section 2 above.

The Committee shall contact and be prepared to meet with any church in the Association whose professional leadership is changing, and with any pastor or church experiencing covenantal relationship difficulties.

The Litchfield South Association affirms the existing practice whereby the covenant between an Interim pastor and a congregation contains the provision that the interim Pastor shall not be a candidate for the settled pastorate.

The Association holds that Sexual Harassment or contact between a personal having Ministerial Standing and someone for whom they have pastoral responsibilities is a violation of pastoral ethics. Such behavior will not be tolerated in this Association. Such complaints against an authorized minister will be treated seriously, and investigated and adjudicated in a timely manner. The handling of complaints will be done following guidelines laid out in A Manual on the Ministry and will make use of the resources available from the Southern New England Conference.

When a concern is brought against an authorized minister with standing in the Litchfield South Association (except the Conference Minister and Regional Ministers), it is the Committee on Church and Ministry (CCM) that is responsible for determining whether the concern raises the question of ministerial fitness in and on behalf of the United Church of Christ. Upon voting in the affirmative to initiate a Fitness Review for said minister, the CCM will refer such review to the Unified Fitness Review Committee (UFRC), a Conference-wide team of clergy and lay people specially elected (or appointed) and trained for the implementation of a fitness review.

The UFRC will follow the process for conducting a Fitness Review as described in the current Manual on Ministry of the UCC, and will follow any additional processes agreed upon by our and all of the participating Associations. The CCM will accept the outcome of the UFRC as its own, and report the same to the appropriate settings of the United Church of Christ.

If an oversight decision of the UFRC is appealed, the Executive Committee shall be convened as a Board of Appeal. The grounds for appeal of oversight decisions shall be limited to questions of process. The appeal will determine whether the approved process of the CCM and UFRC were adhered to. The outcomes of an appeal are as follows:

· Affirmation that the process used was consistent with the UFRC’s process and with the CCM’s process – in which case the decision of the UFRC stands.

· Recognition that the process used was not consistent, in which case the Executive Committee will refer the case back to the UFRC and the CCM to be completed pursuant to the adopted process

Appeals to Committee on Church and Ministry Decisions:

The Litchfield South Association of the Southern New England Conference, United Church of Christ, recognizes its responsibility to authorize and discipline ordained, commissioned and licensed ministers within the Litchfield South Association.

The Litchfield South Association authorizes the duly constituted Committee on Church and Ministry (CCM) of the Association to act on behalf of the Association on all matters of ministerial authorization, discipline and review.

Only the process of the Committee on Church and Ministry may be appealed. Appeals must be submitted by a written request to the Moderator of the Association within 30 days of a decision made by the CCM. In the event of an appeal, the Executive Committee of the Association shall review the process used by the Committee on Church and Ministry to reach the decision. If the Executive Committee determines the process used by the Committee on Church and Ministry followed adopted procedure, the decision of the Committee on Church and Ministry shall stand. If the process used is determined to be inconsistent with adopted procedure, the Executive Committee of the Association shall direct the Committee on Church and Ministry to reconvene and conduct appropriate hearings, consistent with adopted policy and procedure. Neither the Executive Committee nor the full Association shall review the merits of a given case.

C. NOMINATING COMMITTEE: This committee shall consist of six (6) members, two (2) of whom shall be authorized ministers. Two members shall be elected annually to serve for a period of three (3) years. The Committee shall also endeavor to provide names to the Conference if requested to do so in association with the preparation of a candidate slate for the Connecticut Conference Board of Directors.

D. OTHER COMMITTEES: The Executive Committee of the Association may call into being special committees for the promotion of other forms of ministry such as youth ministry, Christian education, social action, etc.

SECTION 3: General Synod Delegates: General Synod delegates shall represent the Association at General Synod meetings and shall be elected according to the guidelines of the Conference.

SECTION 4: Conflicts of Interest: Any member of an Association board or committee, or participant in an Association oversight action, who has a financial, personal, or official interest in, or conflict or appearance of a conflict with any matter pending, of such nature that it prevents or may prevent that member from acting in an impartial manner, will offer to voluntarily excuse him/herself and refrain from discussion of, participation in and/or voting in the activity where the conflict or appearance of a conflict exists. If there is a conflict either real or perceived and the individual does not voluntarily excuse him/herself, the Association board or committee may, by a super majority vote of two thirds of the members then present and voting, require involuntary recusal.


SECTION 1: The Annual Meeting of the Association shall be held in October, on a date designated each year by the Executive Committee. There shall also be a spring meeting in the month of May, as designated by the Executive Committee.

SECTION 2: Special meetings may be held as deemed necessary and provided for by vote of the Association from time to time, or may be held at the call of the Executive Committee to fulfill such purposes or to transact such business as may be specified in the call.

SECTION 3: When the Association meets, its voting membership shall include up to five (5) lay delegates selected by and representing each member church, and all authorized ministers holding standing in the Association except as noted below.

SECTION 4: When it is acting as an Ecclesiastical Council for ordination, each church shall be represented by up to two (2) lay delegates and authorized ministers having standing in the Association..

SECTION 5: Authorized ministers holding ministerial standing in the Association and interim pastors serving churches of the Association who have standing in another UCC Association, are automatically granted voting privileges at any Association meeting or at any meeting where the Association is acting as an Ecclesiastical Council.

SECTION 6: A quorum at regular and special business meetings and Ecclesiastical Councils shall consist of eighteen (18) delegates (lay or authorized ministers), representing at least six (6) of the churches.



Parliamentary procedure at business sessions of the Association shall be regulated in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.



Amendments to this Constitution may be made at any Annual Meeting, the Spring Meeting, or any meeting especially called for the purpose of amending the Constitution when the proposed amendment(s) is presented in full in the call for said meeting and then approved by a two-thirds vote of the delegates present.

Amended May 1993, May 2002, May 2012, May 2015, October 2018, October 2020 (editorial for the merged Conference)

Appendix I: Language from United Church of Christ Constitution (2011 edition) regarding Local Churches


9. The basic unit of the life and organization of the United Church of Christ is the Local Church.

10. A Local Church is composed of persons who, believing in God as heavenly Father, and accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and depending on the guidance of the Holy Spirit, are organized for Christian worship, for the furtherance of Christian fellowship, and for the ongoing work of Christian witness.

11. In accordance with the custom and usage of a Local Church, persons become members by (a) baptism and either confirmation or profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior; (b) reaffirmation or re-profession of faith; or (c) letter of transfer or certification from other Christian churches.

12. All persons who are or shall become members of a Local Church of the United Church of Christ are thereby members of the United Church of Christ.

13. Congregational Christian Churches and the Evangelical and Reformed Church unite in the United Church of Christ without break in their respective historic continuities and traditions.

14. The following Local Churches compose the United Church of Christ:

a) The Local Churches of the Evangelical and Reformed Church;

b) The Local Churches of the Congregational Christian fellowship which vote to become a part of the United Church of Christ, or which vote to approve this Constitution;

c) Any Congregational Christian Local Church which, although it has not voted to become a part of the United Church of Christ, or to approve this Constitution, votes to join the United Church of Christ after this Constitution is declared in force;

d) Any Local Church which, after this Constitution is declared in force, is accepted, on any basis other than that described in paragraph 16, into an Association, or Conference, of the United Church of Christ;

e) The Local Churches of any denomination which, after this Constitution is declared in force, unites with the United Church of Christ; and

f) Any Local Church in a category not otherwise defined in this article, received upon its request, subject to such provisions as in consultation with the Conference may be specified by the Association within whose bounds it is located, and which are not inconsistent with this Constitution and the Bylaws of the United Church of Christ.

15. Local Churches of the United Church of Christ are represented in the General Synod by the delegates from the Conferences to which they belong.

16. An Association or a Conference of the United Church of Christ may, under such provisions as it deems wise, admit, or continue to fellowship with, any Congregational Christian Local Church which is not part of the United Church of Christ. The names and statistics of such churches shall be kept separately; their members shall not be counted in determining the number of delegates which the Conference is entitled to send to the General Synod or hold elective office in that body, except that no ordained minister who has full standing or ordained ministerial partner standing in the United Church of Christ shall be ineligible to be a delegate to the General Synod or to hold elective office in that body. No direct or indirect participation by any such Local Church in, or support of, the work of the United Church of Christ, or of any of its Covenanted Ministries, The Pension Boards—United Church of Christ, United Church Foundation, or of any Conference or Association, shall be construed as making it a church of the United Church of Christ.

17. The Local Churches of the United Church of Christ have, in fellowship, a God-given responsibility for that Church, its labors and its extension, even as the United Church of Christ has, in fellowship, a God-given responsibility for the wellbeing and needs and aspirations of its Local Churches. In mutual Christian concern and in dedication to Jesus Christ, the Head of the Church, the one and the many share in common Christian experience and responsibility.

18. The autonomy of the Local Church is inherent and modifiable only by its own action. Nothing in this Constitution and the Bylaws of the United Church of Christ shall destroy or limit the right of each Local Church to continue to operate in the way customary to it; nor shall be construed as giving to the General Synod, or to any Conference or Association now, or at any future time, the power to abridge or impair the autonomy of any Local Church in the management of its own affairs, which affairs include, but are not limited to, the right to retain or adopt its own methods of organization, worship and education; to retain or secure its own charter and name; to adopt its own constitution and bylaws; to formulate its own covenants and confessions of faith; to admit members in its own way and to provide for their discipline or dismissal; to call or dismiss its pastor or pastors by such procedure as it shall determine; to acquire, own, manage and dispose of property and funds; to control its own benevolences; and to withdraw by its own decision from the United Church of Christ at any time without forfeiture of ownership or control of any real or personal property owned by it.

19. Actions by, or decisions or advice emanating from, the General Synod, a Conference or an Association, should be held in the highest regard by every Local Church.


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