Welcome to the Litchfield South Association's website! We are a community of 16 United Church of Christ congregations in NW Connecticut.
In the United Church of Christ (congregational) denomination, Associations are local groupings of churches and authorized ministers gathered for fellowship and support. Associations also, through their Church and Ministry Committees, hold ministerial authorization on behalf of the whole denomination.
Congregations individually relate to the whole of the United Church of Christ by Association membership and continued good standing.
Our clergy meets monthly for lunch to chat, share ideas, and support.
Our Church and Ministry Committee meets to support clergy and congregations, hold each to high professional standards, and shepherd Members in Discernment through the process of becoming an Authorized Minister of Jesus Christ.
We are governed by volunteer leadership consisting of a Moderator, Vice Moderator, Treasurer, and Registrar/ Asst. Treasurer as well as an Executive Committee.
The Association meets twice a year in May and October with the October meeting being our annual meeting with the election of officers and committee members.
Each of our 16 congregations has a unique identity and flare as well as a covenant to be a part of something larger, the Association, Conference, and denomination with worldwide ministries and support.
We invite you to visit our congregations and if it fits you and your journey, make it your spiritual home!